Thursday, February 21, 2013

                                                 Caterpillar: Who... are... you?
                                               Alice: I'm afraid I can't explain myself.
                                                    ~ 1951 Alice In Wonderland

                                                             So who are you??           
                               "You" can not be explained in one word or in any words.
 "You" are made up of memories, sounds, colors, smells, goals, dreams, achievements, failures, and feelings.
    I don't know who you are, and no one will ever know who you truly and deeply are, except God.
                                            But I know who I am and that's all that matters.
                                You should never change yourself for anyone or anything.
                                 Too many times people change who they are for someone.
 Have you ever made an assumption about someone, then when you got to know them found out that you were totally wrong.
                                            It because you don't know who they are.
                      The outside of someone is so radically different from the inside of them.

                                  Isn't it amazing how we are all different and yet  are all we people.

                                    You are not just a human, a boy, or girl you are unique.

So, who are you?

Thursday, February 14, 2013


“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”   ― James Baldwin

                                  Do you share the same mind set with you parents?
                                  This is a topic my Mom and I have talked about often.

You might not think about it but, until a certain age, every thing you say or think has something to do with your parents. You might think a certain  way because your parents think that way or you might think the opposite just because of your parents. Your parents have a big part in what you say, what you think, what you like, and how you act. In most cases it's not a bad thing, but today I am talking about the few cases that are not good.

Have you ever heard a 5 or 6 year old say something negative about politics or race? You know the child is just repeating what they hear at home. Have you ever seen a younger child with a shirt on that has something to do with "their" political party? This is just another example of how our parents can mold our minds.

Not all mind molding is bad, for the most part it is good and helps us learn, use manners, and things like that. My Mom (for example) is wonderful and has made me a good person and has made me see the beauty in things, be kind to people, and try to help others when I can. She has also let me think what I want to and Be myself.

I live in the south, and here there are a lot of little children who say things that they hear their parents say and a lot of the time things they say have something to do with politics or race. Some of the time these things can be hateful or hurtful.

All I am saying is be careful what you say around your kids, because they will say what you say.

So, to sum up the post, you are who you are because of your parents, which is not a bad thing because  I like to be like my Mom.

Be the YOU you are!
~ K.T