Saturday, January 5, 2013

Giant Panda!

Researchers just found out that Giant Panda blood may hold the secret to curing illnesses! 

A scientist named Xiuwen Yan found out that the D.N.A of a Giant Panda has "cathelicidin-AM" in it. This compound kills bacteria in less than AN HOUR!!! 
In case you didn't know most well known bacteria killing antibiotics take 6 hours.

"How can this help?" you ask, here is how.

Well the compound is found in a gene. Which means that scientist can make a replica of the gene, or at least try . But this will be very hard because scientist have tried to recreate genes before but, with modern technology they should be able to. 

But wait, still There's more good news!

Giant Pandas are endangered there's only 1,600 left. Now that they are needed they might be saved from extinction!!

The scientist will not have to treat the pandas like lab rats because they can decode the pandas gene and produce a small molecule known as: Pepide. 

As to why the Giant Panda has this compound in their blood, Scientist suspects its to boost this big animals immune system. 

At any rate the Pandas might be saved from extinction and we might have new amazing antibiotic, so I call it a win-win. 

Save Pandas!

~ K.T 

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